Observed Species
The following is a list of observed garden species within each family.
Nymphalidae (Brush-Footed Butterflies)
The Nymphalidae are the largest family of butterflies and are usually medium to large in size. Their name comes from their front two legs, which are reduced in size, and used for brushing their face rather than walking.
Monarch – Danaus plexippus

Monarch – Danaus plexippus

Found on Narrowleaf Milkweed
Painted Lady – Venessa Cardui

Papilionidae (Swallowtail Butterflies)
Papilionidae are the large-bodied butterflies with bright colors and a charectaristically unique tail at the bottom of their wings.
Anise Swallowtail – Papilio zelicaon (Caterpillar)

Found on Fennel
Anise Swallowtail – Papilio Zelicaon

Pieridae (White and Sulfur Butterflies)
The Pieridae are medium sized butterflies and have either yellow, white, or orange coloration often with black spots.
Cloudless Sulphur – Phoebis sennae
Cloudless Sulphur – Phoebis sennae (Caterpillar yellow form)
Cloudless Sulphur – Phoebis sennae (Caterpillar green form)

Found on Popcorn Senna leaves

Found on Popcorn Senna flowers
Lycaenidae (Gossamer-Winged Butterflies)
The Lycaenidae are small in size and constitute the second largest group of butterflies. Caterpillars often have a nectary organ that attracts ants to protect them.
Gray Hairstreak – Strymon melinus

Gray Hairstreak – Strymon melinus (Caterpillar)

Found on Desert Mallow with ant colony mutualism
Marine Blue – Leptotes marina

Skippers (Hesperiidae)
Often mistaken as moths, this small-bodied butterfly with clubbed antennae was named after its characteristic short, jumping flight pattern. Species identification can be challenging due to pattern variances within species.Umber Skipper – Poanes melane

Northern White Skipper- Heliopetes ericetorum

Fiery Skipper – Hylephila phyleus

Woodland Skipper – Ochlodes sylvanoides

Other Creatures
Insects of many colors, shapes, and sizes visit our garden! Below are a few of many examples.Hawk Moth – (Family Sphingidae)

Found on Fuschia
Hoverfly – (Family Syrphidae)

Hoverfly – (Family Syrphidae)